Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

StimTac, 2015-2017

Participants : Frédéric Giraud [correspondant] , Patricia Plénacoste, Laurent Grisoni, Michel Amberg, Nicolas Bremmard.

The aim of this project is to create the first digital book, enhanced with haptic feedback, in order to anticipate the integration of this technology into everyday products. This project addresses technological issues, like programming haptic content in a multimedia software, and design issues to understand how the haptic feedback is perceived by the users.

Stimtac is a book, and could thus be presented to non-specialists users and to a wide public during presentations, demos and forums. The scenario and the illustrations were made by Dominique Maes, a Belgium artist, who did the digital book "Bleu de toi" among other things. The Public Library of Lille is a partner of this project and allows us to meet the public.

Figure 1. Demo session at "La nuit des Bibliothèques (Lille, October 2016), and a page of Stimtac; the ellipse highlights the tactile feedback on E-Vita.
IMG/StimTac2.png IMG/StimTac3.png
(a) (b)

This project has been granted 8Keuros from IRCICA.

MATRICE (sept 2015-sept. 2017

Participant : Laurent Grisoni [correspondant] .

This regional project, funded by ERDF, led by Lille School of Architecture, aims at understanding in which way 3D printing may be interesting for the building economy. partners: Ecole d'architecture de Lille, Inria, Ecole Centrale de Lille, Télécom Lille 1, Ecole des Mines de Douai.